To start this path – these are the questions we will begin with:
Do you think you have many answer to how to Grow Profits and become Stronger but your current habits are limiting you?
Do you have a spending problem or a revenue problem?
Do you think your financial reporting is just something to appease the bank?
Do you know there is a life cycle to a business? And where are yo in that cycle?
What does growing broke feel like and how do you fix it?
Have you ever played the “Human Game“? And how does it relate to where you are today?
Why is it important to have adequate working capital?
Why is a break-even analysis important for you to use?
Why wont the bank lend me the $ they used to / you need today?
Why is a simple business plan a worthwhile time and expense?
What is the benefit of benchmarking yourself against your peers?
– You might be surprised how good / poor you are in relation to others.
Why are simple, accurate, timely accrual financials important to your success?
How do I grow profits and stronger?
First – My experience, training, ongoing learning and ability to listen to what you/your team share.
Second – I bring a new sense of urgency to your situation to raise profits and get stronger.
Good written advice:
American Icon – Bryce G.Hoffman
Turn the Ship Around! – L. David Marquet
Who Moved My Cheese? – S. Johnson, M.D
Managing in Turbulent Times – P. Drucker
The E Myth Revisited – M. Gerber
The journey to assist you in growing profits and stronger involves a few basic concepts:
You have to want to improve in order to allow me to help you.
I will ask you a number of questions. Your answers will be the initial direction and speed at which we start.
If you don’t pay for it you don’t own the progress or value it… this is both with time and $.
Simple is better than complex.
The discipline to commit to lasting change is both perseverance and changing how you think.
I am a players coach… I can be in the game and help; but the real benefit is helping you develop into a better business person.
Prism’s financial path is one that you choose to follow and it is your choice if you want to walk it with me.